2021年9月3日〜7日の期間、オーストラリアの University of Canberra において国際スポーツバイオメカニクス学会大会(ISBS: International Society of Biomechanics in Sports)が開催されました。
また太田(2021年度DC1)は学生および最終学位取得2年以内の者が選考対象となるNew Investigator Award候補者にノミネートされました。
Title : Effects of movie observation and motor imagery on performance and joint kinetics during take-off in drop jump
Takuya Yoshida1, Amane Zushi2, Hirohiko Maemura1, Satoru Tanigawa1 (1Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 2Japan Institute of Sports Sciences)

Title : Lower limb kinetic characteristics of the side-hop test in healthy individuals
Kyoya Ono1, Shojiro Nozu2, Takuya Yoshida3, Hirohiko Maemura3, Satoru Tanigawa3 (1Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 2Institute of Health and Sports Science & Medicine, Juntendo University, 3Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences, University of Tsukuba)

Title : The three-dimensional pelvic motion in the acceleration and maximum phases (NEW INVESTIGATOR AWARD NOMINATE)
Kazuki Ota1, Takuya Yoshida2, Hirohiko Maemura2, Satoru Tanigawa2 (1Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba, 2Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences, University of Tsukuba)